
Hi! I love to read your messages, answer your questions, and connect with your stories.

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3 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Molly – thanks for sharing your story at Crosspoint Women’s this past weekend. I wasn’t really open to listening because of two things: 1) I am dealing with my own stuff and 2) I thought to myself, what would this blonde, very pretty young woman who seems very put together have to say that would even be remotely pertinent. I was prepared for another, “I’m great and this is how I got there and I got all of these blessings because …..blah blah blah.” Yeah, well, that is not what I heard and your words spoke to me. I think God puts us in these moments to give us a wake up call to not focus on ourselves. I am really going to try and spend 10 minutes in HIS word like you suggested. I look forward to reading more of your story and learning thru you. Thank you for sharing again.


    1. Cynthia, Thank you so much for your bravery in being so honest. I am so glad the Lord brought you to the event at Crosspoint, and that He spoke to you! I do pray that even 10 minutes a day will bring you hope, peace, and encouragement that He sees YOU! He’s not done with your story, either, my friend. Warmly, Molly


  2. Hi Molly! I just learned of your website and speaking engagement at Park Place CHOG later this year. That is the church where I grew up and I plan on attending. I still fondly remember having dinner with you years ago and sitting at the same table with your mom at Shannon’s baby shower. Wow, God sure did have some difficult days ahead for both of us – different stories yet similar pain and spiritual growth. Your writings are incredibly personal and I thank you for your honesty, love and kindness in sharing life! Hugs, peace and blessings!


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